Thursday, 18 July 2013

Animal space pioneers

Before humans went into space animals were used to test equipment.The first animal to be sent up in a rocket- but not into space - was Albert 1 , a male rhesus monkey in 1948.He and his successor, Albert 2 , died during the tests.
However, on 20 september 1951, a monkey and 11 mice were recovered after a launch in a US Aerobee rocket. Many further animal experiments were carried out before the first manned space flight.

Space dogs and a cat - Laila, a female Samoyed husky , became the first animal in orbit after being launched by the USSR in Sputnik 2 November 1957. There was no way to bring her down and she died after ten days in space. Two female huskies, Belka and Strelka, orbited successfully in August 1960. Strelka later gave birth to puppies, one of which was given to US President John F. Kennedy. In October 1963, a French Veronique AGI rocket put a cat called Felix into space and returned him safely to Earth by parachute.

Monkey business - Able, a female rhesus monkey, and Baker, a female squirrel monkey , were launched by the USA in May 1959. They did not orbit and successfully returned to Earth .In November 1961 Enos, a male chimpanzee completed two orbits and survived . The USSR first space primates were monkeys Abrek and Bion , who orbited in December 1983 in one of a series of Bion satellite experiments.

Flying frogs - In 1970, the USA's Orbiting Frog Otolith satellite (OFO-A) launched two bulfrogs into orbit for a week. In december 1990,Toyohiro Akiyama, a Japanese journalist , took six green tree frogs to the weightlessness experiments.


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